i miss all of them

Hello guys. i'ts time for a broken english entry :) this holiday is the best. but it would be a blast holiday if my friends were all here :( we spent much time together before holidays came. i taught that we all could be together all the time. some of you guys went back to you village. so sad that we couldn't be together. i know that we would see each other at school next year. but, i can't stand a day without you guys. A day without you guys felt like a month and a month without you guys felt like a year. fucking miss you guys. now, there only me, boboy, bj, azfar and mijan left. samien went back to his village yesterday and same goes to ainol. i remember, ainol visit us. but when? forgot, he came all the way from tatau to jepak. then, we played my ps3. in the afternoon. He went back to his village he told us that he couldn't stayed to long. it was fun tough spending time with him. but, later that day. the fun was slowly starting to fade away. Samien! my twin, he went back to his village yesterday. see? two of my best friend went back to their village. we all starting to miss him. then, he call us and he ask how were we doing. now that what we call true friend. their always be there for you even tough there are far away from you. there are many memories i want to share with you all. but sorry, i don't have the picture. i didn't remember where i put them. sorry :) miss you guys ~ 

about me :D

hello, banyak post yang aku sudah buat. banyak kah? okelh, banyak post yang aku sudah post. tapi aku tak pernah post pasal aku. yeah, hari ini aku nak cerita sikit pasal aku.

(about me)
hello! nama aku Mohammed Areesha Hazzrique. just call me awong. org banyak panggil aku awong sebab muka aku macam cina. heheh :P taun ni baru 14 nanti masuk taun baru, baru aku masuk 15. pmr laaa -.- lahir dekat hospital bahagian miri. tak tauu dekat mana. birthday aku 29 august 1997. aku nie ada ngegeh2 sikit. aku rasa banyak laaa. hehehe. aku selalu cerita pasal impian aku. perasan di sini sana lah. hahaha. aku suka main game. suka main guitar. aku nie perokok. sorry :) pernah minum tapi sekarang sudah say no :D hati aku senang di ambik. sebab itulah hati aku senang di bagi balik -.-

(what kind a person do i like)
okay, aku nak cerita pasal org yang jenis apa yang aku suka. aku nak dia sama kepala dengan aku. jenis yang suka berangan2. hahaha. bertudung. setia alu alu. tapikan kalau org yang tuuu tak ada kesemuanya. asalkan dia setia padaku. cukup :)

(waktu korg jadi girlfriend aku)
untuk my future sayang. waktu torang dengan aku nanti. torg mesti akan dengar loyar buruk aku. aku selalu cerita pasal future kita lah apa lah. ngegeh kan :P and sekarang hatiku di ambik oleh seseorang lagi aku tengah chat dgn dia :)